Journal articles:

(I don't update this often enough, for a good autolist you can try my google scholar profile).

Filipski, M Rosenbach, G., Tiburcio, E., Dorosh, P. & Hoddinott, J. (2020) Refugees Who Mean Business: Economic Activities In and Around the Rohingya Settlements in Bangladesh. Journal of Refugee Studies, feaa059.

Hoddinott, J., Dorosh, P.,Filipski, M Rosenbach, G., & Tiburcio, E. (2020) Food transfers, electronic food vouchers and child nutritional status among Rohingya children living in Bangladesh. PLOS One., 15(4): e0230457.

Filipski, M Jin, L., Zhang, X., & Chen, K.Z. (2019) Living Like There's No Tomorrow: The psychological effects of an earthquake on savings and spending behavior. European Economic Review, 116(July):107-128.

Belton, B & Filipski, M (2019) Rural transformation in central Myanmar: By how much, and for whom?. Journal of Rural Studies, 67(April):166-176.

Filipski, M Hein, A., Lee, H.L., Nishan, U. (2019) Emigration and Rising Wages in Rural Myanmar: The case of Mon State. Journal of Development Studies, forthcoming.

Filipski, M & Belton, B. (2018) Give a Man a Fishpond: Modeling the impacts of aquaculture in the rural economy. World Development, 110(Oct):205-223. [Awarded Best Conference Paper, CAER-IFPRI, 2017]

Gupta, A., Kagin, J, Taylor, J.E., Filipski, M, Hlanze, L. & Foster, J. (2018) Is technology change good for cotton farmers? A local-economy analysis from the Tanzania Lake Zone. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 45(1):27-56.

Filipski, M, Aboudrare, A., Lybbert, T. & Taylor, J.E. (2016). Spice Price Spikes: Simulating Gendered Impacts of a Saffron Boom and Bust in Rural Morocco. World Development, 94(2017): 84-99.

Taylor, J. E., Filipski, M., Alloush, M., Gupta, A., Rojas Valdes, R. I., & Gonzalez-Estrada, E. (2016). Economic impact of refugees. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(27): 7449-7453.

Filipski, M., Y. Zhang, and K. Chen. (2015). Making Health Insurance pro-Poor: Evidence from a Household Panel in Rural China. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1): 210.

Stevens, A. H., Miller, D. L., Page, M. E., & Filipski, M. (2015). The best of times, the worst of times: Understanding pro-cyclical mortality. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 7(4): 1-34.

Filipski, M, Thome, K., Taylor, J.E, and Davis, B. (2015). Effects of Treatment Beyond the Treated: A General Equilibrium Impact Evaluation of Lesotho's Cash Grants Program.Agricultural Economics 46(3015)227-243.

Jonasson, E., Filipski, M., Brooks, J., & Taylor, J. E. (2013). Modeling the welfare impacts of agricultural policies in developing countries. Journal of Policy Modeling 36(1):63-82

Thome, K., Filipski, M., Kagin, J., Taylor, J.E & Davis, B. (2013). Agricultural Spillover Effects of Cash Transfers: What Does LEWIE Have to Say? American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 95 (5): 1338-1344

Filipski, M., & Taylor, J. E. (2012). A simulation impact evaluation of rural income transfers in Malawi and Ghana. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 4(1), 1–21.

Filipski, M., Taylor, J. E., and Msangi, S., (2011). Effects of Free Trade on Women and Immigrants: CAFTA and the Rural Dominican Republic. World Development, 39(10), 1862–1877.

Miller, D. L., Page, M. E., Stevens, A. H., & Filipski, M. (2009). Why are recessions good for your health? American Economic Review, 99(2), 122–127

Filipski, M., J-Ph. Colin and C. Seignobos (2007) Emergence and evolution of property rights to land in the context of land abundance. The case of the Yambassa region (Cameroon). Cahiers d'études et de recherches francophones / Agricultures,16(5): 387-93 (in French)


Taylor, J.E. and Filipski, M. (2014) Beyond Experiments in Development Economics: Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation. Oxford University Press.

Book chapters:

Filipski, M. and Covarrubias, K. (2012) Chapter 2: Distributional Impacts of Commodity Prices in Developing Countries, In Jonathan Brooks (Ed.) Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction. OECD publishing 2012. pp.61-88.

Brooks, J., Filipski, M., Jonasson, E. And Taylor, J.E., (2012) Chapter 3. The Distributional Implications of Agricultural Policies in Developing Countries: Findings from the Development Policy Evaluation Model (DEVPEM), In Jonathan Brooks (Ed.)Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction. OECD publishing 2012. pp.91-108.

Working papers and other work in progress:

Filipski, M., Manning, D., Taylor, J. E., Diao, X., & Pradesha, A. (2013). Evaluating the Local Economywide Impacts of Irrigation Projects: Feed the future in Tanzania. IFPRI publications.

Filipski, M, Taylor, J.E. and Lybbert, T., Saffron Production, Seasonality and Gender: A LEWIE Model to Simulate the Local Development Impacts of Saffron Price Shocks. (Preparing for submission)

Filipski, M., Zhang, Y. and Chen, K. (2013). Is Health Insurance Pro-Poor? Evidence From Four Waves of Household Surveys in Guizhou.  Presented at CAER-IFPRI conference, Wuhan, China, Oct 17-18, 2013

Zhang, Y., Filipski, M. and Chen, K. (2013) Can Preferential Policies Help the Rural Poor Move Up? Evidence From a Household Panel in Rural Guizhou Province.  Presented at CAER-IFPRI conference, Wuhan, China, Oct 17-18, 2013.

Filipski, M, Diao, X., Taylor, J.E. and Seyoum-Taffesse, A. (2013) Evaluating the General Equilibrium Impacts of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program. Expected output from 3ie-funded project.

Taylor, J.E., Davis, B, and Filipski, M.  Are we underestimating the impacts of cash transfers? Lessons from Modeling three African RCT's.  Expected output from Protection-to-Production (PtoP) initiative, FAO and DFID.